I am Pritam Choudhury. I am a researcher in type systems and programming language design (Google Scholar Profile). My research focuses on graded type systems and their applications. In my doctoral dissertation, I used graded type systems to analyze linearity and dependency in programming languages. Linearity and dependency analyses are particularly useful in memory management, language-based security, multi-stage compilation and code optimization. I completed my PhD at the University of Pennsylvania in the summer of 2023. After graduation, I taught as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Haverford College during the academic year 2023-24. Currently, I am looking for academic/industry positions.

Publications (including latest drafts):

  1. Pritam Choudhury. 2023. Dependency and Linearity Analyses in Pure Type Systems. PhD Dissertation. University of Pennsylvania, US. (Dissertation)
  2. Pritam Choudhury. 2023. Unifying Linearity and Dependency Analyses. arXiv:2304.03175. (Preprint)
  3. Pritam Choudhury. 2022. Monadic and Comonadic Aspects of Dependency Analysis. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 6, OOPSLA2, Article 172 (October 2022), 29 pages. (paper)(extended version)
  4. Pritam Choudhury, Harley D. Eades III, and Stephanie Weirich. 2022. A Dependent Dependency Calculus. In: Sergey, I. (eds) Programming Languages and Systems. ESOP 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13240. Springer, Cham. (paper) (talk)
  5. Pritam Choudhury, Harley D. Eades III, Richard A. Eisenberg, and Stephanie Weirich. 2021. A Graded Dependent Type System with a Usage-Aware Semantics. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 5, POPL, Article 50 (January 2021), 32 pages. (paper) (talk)
  6. Stephanie Weirich, Pritam Choudhury, Antoine Voizard, and Richard Eisenberg. 2019. A Role for Dependent Types in Haskell. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 3, ICFP, Article 101 (August 2019), 29 pages. (paper) (talk)
  7. Pritam Choudhury. 2015. Constructive Representation of Nominal Sets in Agda. Master’s thesis. University of Cambridge, UK. (Dissertation) (code)

Before starting my PhD, I worked as an MPhil student in Advanced Computer Science at the University of Cambridge. My research there focussed on the constructive formalization of nominal sets in Agda.

Before I got interested in Computer Science, I studied Electrical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. My final year project was in detection of bad data and false data in power systems.

Other than academics, I like hiking, poetry and martial arts. I consider myself lucky to be a part of the Penn TaeKwonDo Club.

I am looking for academic/industry positions starting fall 2024. If you are interested in my research or want to know more about my work and expertise, please feel free to contact me.

Email: r dot lastname at gmail dot com